If you previously applied to a professional health program and were not accepted, and wish to apply again, the Careers in Health and Medicine Office will submit a letter packet on your behalf.
Please review this page for reapplicants, which provides some guidance as you reflect on your health professional school candidacy.
In order for a reapplicant to obtain a preapplication interview (i.e., an applicant who applied in a previous year but was unsuccessful in the health professions school application process), the following criteria must be met:
- The reapplicant should read through the Considerations for Reapplicants page.
- The reapplicant must have significantly improved their candidacy since the unsuccessful application, as determined through consultation with the Careers in Health and Medicine Office.
- The applicant must sign up for and participate in a preapplication interview.
- The reapplicant must meet all paperwork deadlines:
- March 1st: Notify the Careers in Health and Medicine Office of intent to reapply; gain access to Moodle; complete the Intent to Apply Form.
- April 1st: Deadline for submitting Preapplication Interview materials
- The applicant must complete a file completion form which requires the upload of a copy of a submitted primary application(s) as well as uploading CAS letter request form(s).
The deadline for notifying our office of your application status is March 1st annually for matriculation the following year — that is, you must have completed the Intent to Apply Form. If we do not hear from you by then, we will be unable to accommodate you for a preapplication interview.
Any K student or alum can take advantage of the Letter Collection Service, provided that the CAS for your intended professional program accepts this type of document. The letter collection service compiles individual letters along with a brief cover letter describing K College along with prior applicant pool data. In order to utilize this service, applicants will need to request individual letters of recommendation be sent on their behalf via the website to the Careers in Health and Medicine Office. Once an applicant has been notified that all letters have been received, they must complete a file completion form which requires the upload of a copy of a submitted primary application(s) as well as uploading CAS letter request form(s). See Letter Collection Service for more details.
The Careers in Health and Medicine Office highly recommends that reapplicants taking advantage of the Letter Collection Service secure at least one new letter of recommendation from someone with whom they have worked since the previous application. Additionally, all other letters of recommendation should reflect any changes/growth since your prior application.
We look forward to helping you navigate the process of applying to and getting accepted to health professional school! We enjoy guiding you through this process and supporting your applications, and we hope that you will keep us informed of all developments and decisions throughout your application cycle.