The Careers in Health and Medicine Office is happy to work with any student or alum applying to health professions schools for advising or application support regardless of courses completed or class year.

For K students and alumni the Careers in Health and Medicine Office will collect individual letters of recommendation on your behalf, and submit a packet of the individual letters to the Centralized Application Service (CAS), provided the CAS accepts this type of document, with a brief cover letter that will put your application into context with other past and present applicants from Kalamazoo College, but will not provide an evaluative narrative.

Applicants desiring to utilize this service, will need to submit the Letter Collection Service form and complete the Letter of Recommendation Request Form. These forms, should be completed no later than June 1st and all letters of recommendation will need to be received by August 1st for matriculation the following year. Beyond the file completion form, there are no other criteria required for the letter collection service, though we ask students using this service to release their application information to the Careers in Health and Medicine Office for data collection purposes.

The applicant needs to inform the Careers in Health and Medicine Office that their letter packet is ready for submission by completing a file completion form which requires the upload of a copy of a submitted primary application(s) as well as uploading CAS letter request form(s). 

For allopathic (MD), osteopathic (DO), and dental schools, letter packets are sent through the AMCAS, AACOMAS, and AADSAS letter writer services, respectively – you need only designate that you’re receiving a letter packet and do not include each individual letter writer separately. Any student applying utilizing another CAS service will need to ensure that that CAS accepts letter packets.

Contact information to include in your primary application regarding the letter writer:

Author: Dr. Wraegen Williams
Email: wraegen.williams@kzoo.edu – Phone: 269.337.7103
Address: Careers in Health and Medicine, 1200 Academy Street, Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI 49006